What's New
Version : 1.8.0
Bug fix for execute-remote-method node
Bug fix for execute-remote-method node

1.7.0 Release Notes

Feature Description Documentation
Node RED running on application port Updated the module to use the application port for running node red Wiki
Node RED Flows in DB Update of module to load/save the flow from/to database. NA

1.6.0 Release Notes

Feature Description Documentation
Support for oracle and postgres Added support for Node RED to run using Oracle and Postgres databases NA
Bug fixes 1. Fixed a credentials related issue, where server was crashing if there was no initial credentials available in the DB. 2. Fixed bug where bodyParser options like limit was getting lost. NA

1.5.0 Release Notes

Feature Description Documentation
Node-RED : Exception Handling and Messages in UI This feature pertains to the Node-Red UI in oe-Cloud. Provides useful and informative messages and notifications associated with the oe-Cloud specific Node-Red nodes. For example, an un-configured node will show a red dot at the bottom of the node with an error message. TBA

1.4.0 Release Notes

Feature Description Documentation
Modular Node-RED Node-RED is modularized and can be installed as an node module Wiki
Error handling and Message in oeCloud nodes TBA TBA

1.3.0 Release Notes


1.2.0 Release Notes


1.1.0 Release Notes

Feature Description Documentation
Node to allow custom api call for the model TBA TBA
Functionality to allow freeze/unfreeze node red flow Ability to allow freeze/unfreeze node red flow so that once node-red flow freeze user will not able to deploy the flow again. admin user ideally able to freeze / unfreeze the node red flow TBA
Logging and Debugging Ability to - Collect the node-red logs into a central logger., Collect logs when walkthrough a integration pipeline flow events which has a inject node , loopback connector node , debug node , output node, Get the live run time memory usage of node-red, Get the Admin HTTP API access events are logged with end point, IP address and time stamp TBA

Loopback connector nodes for Node-RED

Loopback is a powerful NodeJS framework to create REST APIs based on declarative model definitions. Node-RED is yet another powerful tool to wire together APIs and online services.

This project provides a set of custom Node-RED nodes which can be used to integrate Node-RED with any loopback application.

This integration greatly enhances the existing capabilities of loopback application by allowing to observe the application in Node-RED and inject code at runtime without touching the original application.

## Available Node-RED nodes
Node Description
async-observer Input node which registers an observer on given loopback model and returns to loopback application immediately. This node is suitable to start Node-RED flow asynchronously when any loopback model event occurs.

This node registers an observer by calling Model.observe ('access/before save/after save', function (ctx,next){...})
The entire loopback ctx is copied in Node-RED message context msg.ctx for rest of the Node-RED flow to use. The next() callback is called immediately to return control to loopback application.
sync-observer Input node which registers an observer on given loopback model and starts Node-RED flow. Control is not returned to loopback until sych-observer-end node is called. This node can be used to attach Node-RED flow which can alter the loopback ctx parameters.

This node registers an observer by calling Model.observe ('access/before save/after save', function (ctx,next){...})
The entire loopback ctx is copied in Node-RED message context msg.ctx for rest of the Node-RED flow to use.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Control to the loopback application will not return until sync-observer-end node is called. Any flow that starts with sync-observer must end with sync-observer-end otherwise the loopback application will be stuck forever.
sync-observer-end End sync observer node returns control to loopback application by calling loopback observer’s next() callback.
model-observer Input node which register’s an event listener on any generic javascript event emitted by loopback model.
This node calls Model.on ('event name', function (payload){}) and passes on the payload in Node-RED message context (msg.payload) for rest of the flow to use.